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Technicians must have access around perimeter of pool to install covers. Sun n Fun Installations will not remove decking or fencing to apply cover and is not responsible for covers that do not stay positioned on pool during the winter.


 All services must have a homeowner present at time of closing and payment must be received upon completion. In the even that a homeowner is not present, your appointment will be rescheduled.

Although Sun n Fun installations has the expertise to protect pools and spas from freezing and other winter damages, it is impossible to guarantee that winter ground conditions or aging pool plumbing will not damage your pool. However, freeze breaks are easily identified and have specific characteristics, helping to determine the cause of the crack. If an issue arises that stems from a freeze break, the pipe will be repaired or replaced, given that the customer followed the terms of this contract. Concrete, landscaping, decking or any additional work will be the sole responsibility of the customer.

All winter products must be provided by customer and be in good working order. If not, they will be replaced at the cost of the customer.

Billing Policy payments on all service invoices are due upon services rendered.  Cash, personal checks, or bank checks are the only form of payment accepted.  Please make checks payable to Sun n Fun Installations.

Winter chemicals must be applied and filtered for a period no less than 8 hours prior to our arrival.

There must be an available power outlet near the pool so technicians can use    powered tools.

We will not hang gallon jugs or anything of that nature of off cover; it will void  manufacturers warranty.

Customer winter responsibilities: have NO MORE THAN 3 of water/snow/debris on top of cover.
Maintain the proper amount of water inside the pool.
Keep winter cover positioned on pool
Keep water tubes and pillows inflated (if using).

Your personal information will be kept confidential. The information you submit is for our internal use only.

Copyright © 2017 Cut Price and Sun & Fun. All Rights Reserved.

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Authorized Dealer & Service Center: FoxPools, Doughboy Pools, Hayward, Bullfrog Spas, Trevi Pools, Maytronics, Aquabot, Sustain, Oxygen Pools

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